19-Year-Old’s Dying Wish Is To Raise Money For 6-Year-Old Fighting Cancer
Have tissues ready because this story is definitely going to make you cry. It's about two boys with terminal cancer and how one of them, Rhys Langford, became a little boy's hero.
Rhys' Diagnosis
At the age of 19, Rhys Langford was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and discovered he only had months to live.

But instead of being sad or depressed, he wanted to do one last amazing thing before he died.
Jacob Jones' Story
After his diagnosis, Rhys found a story about Jacob Jones, A 6 year old who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma

"Rhys found the story of little Jacob. He called me upstairs and he was crying in bed reading the story." Rhy's mother said.
Rhys' Last Wish
Rhys' mom recalls Rhys' last wish, "Mum, I want to donate some money to him."

He said, "He's six years of age, and he's been ill since he was two. I'd be over the moon if someone would save him."
Jacob's GoFundMe
How did Rhys help Jacob? He set up a GoFundMe page, so others could read Jacob's story and help donate.

Rhys donated his life savings, £1,000, and before the GoFundMe closed, it raised over £67,350 ($79,000).
Grief And Pride
It was bittersweet for Rhys' parents because here they were grieving over the fact that their boy was months away from dying.

Yet Rhys wanted to do something so selfless and amazing by raising money for Lucas, and his parents couldn't help but be proud.
Catherine's Feelings
Catherine described her feelings; "Rhys said, "There's nothing more they can do for me, so if I can help save this little boy..."

She said, "Our hearts are breaking because we are losing our son, but bursting with pride because considering his diagnosis, he is thinking of other people."
Rhys' Passing
Sadly, Rhys passed away, and his mother shared a post.

"My warrior, my hero, my son, my baby, has given up his fight. He lay down his sword and died peacefully at home with all his family around him, he closed his eyes for the last time at around 7 p.m. yesterday evening.
Jacob's Hero
Jacob's family also made a post.

"I wanted to let everyone know that Jacob's hero Rhys has sadly passed away; our thoughts are with his family at this sad time. Fly high Rhys, and we are all so proud and thankful for what you did for our Jacob."